Spiritual Accelerators
How I can guide you
To support you in the process of awakening, I have created 3 different online accelerators, each representing 3 major aspects of the spiritual journey.
What is awakening?
Awakening is a shift in what we take ourselves to be and what we take to be real about reality. It is not supernatural, it is existential. It is not experiential, it transcends all experience. It is not somewhere else other than right here and right now.
As you might have noticed, There is no good way to describe awakening. It can feel like becoming sober at a party where everyone else are drunk. Or like we have woken up from a dream we didn’t know we were dreaming. In one way, this is true.
Some of the other things we might experience when we wake up is increased sensitivity and emotional pain coming to the surface. If this happens, it is a good sign and the way through this is shadow integration.
I have mentioned a few aspects of awakening here, but this list is not all encompassing. Everyones experience is unique and no one will experience it in the same circumstances as you. I recommend that you trust the way it happens for you.
We wake up from the dream of the mind, which essentially consists of all the thoughts we have gathered and learned to believe about reality. Awakening is like taking a red pill and see through the illusion of the world.
Many of us go through the dark night of the soul. I went through this for years and it was definitely the most challenging time of my life. The existential meaninglessness was overwhelming.
There are several “pitfalls” of the mind which most of us encounter at some point or another. These are ways the mind attaches to the idea of a spiritual journey, creates a spiritual identity, develop spiritual beliefs, among other things.
Awakening is self evident, meaning that no one else will be able to confirm it to you. However, the mind may often look for validation and try to make sense of it all. It is normal, but you don’t need to mentally comprehend. If you have woken up, you will know.
You might also experience some kind of crisis around the time of your initial awakening. It can be a change in relationships, work, health or any other area of life that disturbs the status quo and challenges you on the topic of surrender.
The top three things I recommend to the one going through this massive transformation is to #1 trust your own, unique process, #2 don’t expect the people in your life to “get it”. #3 Find one or more authentic awakening teachings that can guide you.